Most people can think of several ways that technology makes their lives easier. It’s no secret that technology has benefited society in a multitude of ways and continues to on a daily basis.

However, despite the conveniences that technology can bring to our lives, experts have determined that there is also a negative side to technology. Beyond being addictive, it can also affect our communication skills, as well as a variety of other areas of our life. Take a look at some of the negative ways that technology may be impacting your well being.

Less Physical Activity

In today’s digital age, life as we know it has changed from the way it was once before. Fewer people have active lifestyles, and more people find themselves sitting at a desk scrolling devices.

While plenty of people still have jobs that require them to get on a tractor or get their hands dirty, technology is still a part of their lives away from work. Despite what your industry is, technology is likely interwoven into your daily activities.

Once upon a time, people would spend their free time doing things that didn’t involve a screen. However, society is now drawn towards checking our social media or email whenever we have a free moment. It’s important not to lose sight of activities that are non-technology-related.


Whether you’re working on your computer or you’re sitting on the couch scrolling the news on your phone, most people can admit that they slouch. The way that you hold yourself when you’re looking at a screen is not healthy posture.

The more that you practice this poor posture, the more that your body will start to adopt it. Bad posture doesn’t just lead to pain, but it can also affect your mood. Studies show that people who are in a slouched physical position for long periods of the day are more prone to depression and a negative outlook.


While looking at screens occasionally isn’t bad in itself, the overuse of screens can start to take its toll on your eyesight. From dry eye to blurriness, it’s not uncommon to start experiencing issues after long periods of screen time.


Because of the light that devices emit, your circadian rhythm can be negatively impacted. The more that you use electronic devices close to your bedtime, the more likely that you are to have issues falling asleep and staying asleep.

If you have trouble with insomnia, then it’s probably a good idea to start asking yourself whether it has something to do with your technology habits. Limiting or eliminating your technology use will have a great improvement in your overall well being mentally as well as physically.