Digital Security

There are many aspectsof this world that we can’t control, but one that we can is the security of our digital presence.

Whether your company is an app developer or a franchiser, there are many ways to protect your its digital presence. Whether it be social media, email marketing campaigns, or sensitive documents being shared internally and externally, the digital environment is rife with vulnerabilities that could result in catastrophic consequences.

The first step to safeguarding a company’s digital security is by taking inventory of all potential risks and assigning levels of severity to them, such as high risk or low risk.

Here are 5points you should be considering when trying to build a secure business in 2023.

Allowing Employees to Use Unencrypted Devices to Share Data

Companies must address the first big risk of allowing unencrypted devices.

Many data breaches are happening these days, and one of the biggest risks comes from employees using unencrypted devices to share data. Wireless security is hard to maintain, and is one of many factors at play when protecting your company’s digital presence.

Many people inadvertently share data with their employers, whether on social media sites or in email, so building an awareness about the risks around this is important.

Layering Security Solutions

Layering your security solutions is essential to digitizing a business in today’s world. There are billions of devices online already, and that number is only expected to grow through 2023 and beyond.

This massive flood of data will require companies to layer security solutions that can keep up with the big data.

You should consider modern security options including encryption, malware detectors, and network DDoS appliances that can help protect your company’s digital presence. Check out SonicWall Online to see what other options are available to you.

Encryption of Data

Encryption is the cornerstone of modern digital security. Robust and strong encryption can protect a company’s sensitive data from hackers and external threats.

By investing in good encryption for your company’s digital presence, you can ensure that employees aren’t sharing sensitive data with other parties.

You should research various security strategy options and decide based on what is best for your company. Start with a basic encryption solution to see how it secures your company’s digital files.


Passwords play an important role in companies’ digital security strategies when protecting their critical data from hackers and external threats. If passwords aren’t sufficiently strong, it can be very easy for an outsider to gain access and manipulate the system in ways that are difficult to detect.

A good password is a long-length password and one that isn’t easy to guess. Use at least a ten-character password with a mix of numbers, letters, and special characters (such as !,&#).

The more complex the password, the harder it will be for hackers to access your company’s sensitive data.

Encrypting Email Communication

In addition to encrypting data at rest, you should also consider encrypting your email communication when dealing with sensitive information.

There are many ways that an intruder can manipulate your company’s email communications in order to gain access to more information about the company, so this is certainly an important point to address when improving your digital security.