Email Problems

Common Email Dangers to Be Aware of and Avoid Č Among the many things that have changed in our daily routines is the close relationship we have with the Internet, and specifically our email dependence. Everybody receives emails and some people receive an enormous amount of emails. This also means that emails are targeted by unscrupulous people to try and get an unfair advantage – namely to separate you from your money, your identity or just through sheer malice. As you would learn on a prince 2 course certification training.

In your junk and spam email, there are quite a few scams that you need to be aware of. It’s generally easy to identify spam problems because they tend to be obvious.

There is one rule of thumb that if you follow you can’t go wrong. This is when ever you see anything that is too good to be true, avoid temptation, because it is too good to be true.

Sometimes you will receive camouflaged scams that are very well disguised posing as a popular service that you may already be using on line. You have to be very careful else your login and password information might get out or you can get spy ware issues.

This is very similar to receiving mail from a well known courier service indicating they have a package for you. All very well and good, as this does happen. But when you see it comes with an attachment, just delete. It will include malicious viruses.

One of the most common scams is the PayPal alert email. You will get a message saying that there is something wrong with your PayPal account and that you need to log into it immediately. The problem is that this email is not actually from PayPal at all. You will click the link in the email and be tricked into giving your login and password to a third party who will log into your PayPal account using your password. At this point, all hell breaks loose.

As soon as you have given your login and password to this third party, they will use your credit card to purchase things with your PayPal account information, and then you will get your first payment chargeback.

This will give them time to use your accounts and rip off your hard earned money.

Another common scheme is the Facebook password resetter email. You will get a message saying that there is a problem with your Facebook account and that you need to log into it immediately. The problem is that this email is not actually from Facebook and in fact it is a phishing link. Once you click the link, they will ask you to reset your password using the link provided. Once you do they will want your other details, such as your eBay username and password, etc.

Avoid these scams by using a Hard To Guess Password like 7even8elephant . You can also use an identifier symbol like the underscore or plus sign for a good password. You should also note that don’t use the same password on multiple accounts.

Another common trick is the Facebook password resetter web site. You visit this site once and then you get a message saying that your password has been changed. So you guess that it must be the new password. The problem is that if you enter the old password then they will know that you have tried to change it. So do not do that.

When you get a Facebook password resetter email do not open it because it could contain a virus. Only open it if you are certain that it is from Facebook and that it is legit. If you are not sure then any emails that you receive from Facebook will be considered spam. If you have researched Facebook and you know that this email is from them, then you can safely open it.

How do I change my password?

You can change your password by accessing your account. Then go to the drop down menu for your name and select the option that says “forgot your ID or password”. You will be directed to a web page where you can choose a user name and password. Before you do that you will want to make sure that you typed the URL exactly as it appears. Once you do that you will be directed to your own account.

Step 3: Once you have chosen a user name and password for your eBay account, you will then want toSign In. To do so you will first need to log in using your original login information. Then you will click the “forgot your ID or password” link and the process will start all over again.

What we are going to do is take a quick look at how to access your own account using the indirect link email address using the terms “forgot your ID or password”.

Forgot your ID or password?

If you have forgotten your ID or password, you can login using the indirect link provided in the email. Before you do this you will want to make sure that you typed the address exactly as it appears. If it is a fake address, you will get a wrong password and severe security will be breached.