A few days ago in Google I/O 2018, the brand made a series of announcements bringing a set of tech transformations in the industry. The three days event gave a lot to the Android enthusiasts to explore and then incorporate in their services revolving around Google and Android.

One of those revolutionizing announcements that were made in the I/O 2018 developer conference was launch of Android P.

When Google launched Android O, we believed that this is the most the tech giant can offer when it comes to setting standard in innovation and transforming user experience, but with Android P, the brand crossed the expectation and rolled out yet another revolutionary offering.

Android P, the newest addition in Google’s operating system version list has been launched with a series of new addition in terms of features for both smartphone users and the Android app development companies.

One of the features of this new OS launch that has kept users excited is Gesture Navigation. Aping iPhone X gesture navigation success, Google has also added the feature in its latest OS version.

In this article we will be looking into the ways Android P gesture navigation is better than iPhone X, but first, let us touch upon what this new gesture navigation is about.

Instead of the three buttons placed on the home screen, Android P gives you the option to make use of a single home button, which allows the user to swipe up for viewing the recent apps in addition to a UI which suggests them of the apps that they could use.

Also, by swiping the button right and left, Android P allows you to switch between apps much quickly.

While there are a number of similarities between iPhone X and Android P gesture navigation, in fact for a split second P would even remind you of X, but there are noteworthy differences that make Android P gesture navigation much better than Android P.

Let us look into the ways Android P gesture navigation is better than that of iPhone X.

  1. Is Optional

Unlike iPhone X where it is mandatory to keep the gesture navigation feature switched on, Android P gives you an option. When you move to the new Gestures option in Settings menu and you will get a find a toggle named ‘Swipe up on Home Button’ which would activate the gesture system. In case you don’t like what you see, you can switch it off in the same set of option.

  1. Is a Scroll Bar

In iPhone X, navigation bar is more than a line on the screen button which Apple denotes as “home indicator” while on Android it is a virtual button meaning you can long press the button to bring Google Assistant to life. The bar also comes with a brand new functionality – scrolling. When you swipe right or left in this new home button, you’ll be directed to app carousel instantly, where users can scroll to choose an app. It makes it faster to jump to and fro between the running mobile apps.

  1. Text Grabber

When users swipe up to get into app switcher on the Android P, they are not just introduced with the visual snaps of apps they used recently, which are actually interactive dynamic images.

Like iPhone X, you can quit the screen by swiping up, but Android P gives you the provision to select text in the screen by long pressing.

Following this, you can move around the handles for selecting the words that you want, and copy, find, or even translate them, without even opening the app completely.

So here were the three ways that make Android P gesture navigation much better than that of iPhone X. While the exact user reaction towards them would only be gauged when it is made live on some smartphones, but as far as the developer preview goes, Android P gesture navigation is winning some points over iPhone X’s.

What do you think? Would Android P Gesture Navigation surpass the attention that iPhone X’s has been able to create?